Hansell Lab Publications

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Nathaniel B Palmer in the Antarctic Nathaniel B Palmer in the Antarctic



Coachman, L.K., D.A. Hansell. 1993. ISHTAR: Inner Shelf Transfer and Recycling in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Continental Shelf Research, 13(5-6): 473-704.


Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson (Eds.) 2015. Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, 2nd Edition. Academic Press, 693 pp.

Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson (Eds.) 2002. Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter. Academic Press, 774 pp. (Book Review)


Thesis & Dissertation

Hansell, D.A. 1989. Nitrogen Flux in the Northern Bering Sea. Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska, 89 pp.

Hansell, D.A. 1980. Effects of Hydrated Lime on Water Quality in Fish Ponds. Thesis, Master of Science, Auburn University, Alabama, 23 pp.

Book Chapters

Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell. 2015. DOC Sources, Sinks, Reactivity, and Budgets. In: D.A. Hansell, C.A. Carlson (Eds.) Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, 2nd Edition. Academic Press, 65-126.

Cai, W.-J., N.R. Bates, L. Guo, L.G. Anderson, J. Mathis, R. Wanninkhof, D.A. Hansell, L. Chen, I. Semiletov. 2014. Carbon Fluxes Across Boundaries in the Pacific Arctic Region in a Changing Environment. In: J.M. Grebmeier, W.E. Maslowski, J. Zhao (Eds.) The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidly Changing Environment. Springer, 199-222.

Mathis, J.T., Grebmeier, J.M., Hansell, D.A., Hopcroft, R.R., Kirchman, D.L., Lee, S.H., Moran, S.B., Bates, N.R., Van Laningham, S., Cross, J.N., Cai, W.-J. 2014. Carbon Biogeochemistry of the Western Arctic: Primary Production, Carbon Export and the Controls on Ocean Acidification. In: J.M. Grebmeier, W.E. Maslowski, J. Zhao (Eds.) The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidly Changing Environment. Springer, 223-268.

Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell, C. Tamburini. 2011. DOC persistence and its fate after export within the ocean interior. In: N. Jiao, F. Azam, S. Sanders (Eds.) Microbial Carbon Pump in the Ocean. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, 57-59.

Hansell, D.A. 2009. Dissolved organic carbon in the carbon cycle of the Indian Ocean. In: J.D. Wiggert, R.R. Hood, S.W.A. Naqvi, K.H. Brink, S.L. Smith (Eds.) Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 185: 217-230.

Hansell, D.A., M. Follows. 2008. Nitrogen in the Atlantic Ocean. In: M. Mullholland, D. Bronk, D. Capone, E. Carpenter (Eds.) Nitrogen in the Marine Environment, 2nd Edition. Academic Press. 597-630.

Farmer, C.T., Hansell, D.H. 2007. Determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in sea water. In: A.G. Dickson, Sabine, C.L., Christian, J.R. (Eds.) Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3, 191 pp.

Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell. 2003. The contribution of DOM to biogeochemistry in the Ross Sea. In: G.R. DiTullio, R.B. Dunbar. Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ross Sea. AGU Antarctic Research Series, 78: 123-142.

Hansell, D.A. 2002. DOC in the global ocean carbon cycle. In: D.A. Hansell, C.A. Carlson (Eds.) Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter. Academic Press, 685-715.

Feely, R.A., R. Wanninkhof, D.A. Hansell, M.F. Lamb, D. Greeley, and K. Lee. 2002. Water Column CO2 Measurements During the Gas Ex-98 Expedition. In: M.A. Donelan, W.M. Drennan, E.S. Saltzman, R. Wanninkhof (Eds.) Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 127. 173-181.

Carlson C.A., N.R. Bates, D.A. Hansell, D.K. Steinberg. 2001. Carbon Cycle. In: J. Steele, S. Thorpe, K. Turekian (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Science, 2nd Edition. Academic Press, 477-486.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

108) Clifford, E.L., D.A. Hansell, M.M. Varela, M. Nieto-Cid, G.J. Herndl, E. Sintes. 2017. Crustacean zooplankton release copious amounts of dissolved organic matter as taurine in the ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, in press: 1-14.

107) Bercovici, S.K., B.A. Huber, H.B. DeJong, R.B. Dunbar, D.A. Hansell. 2017. Dissolved organic carbon in the Ross Sea: Deep enrichment and export. Limnology and Oceanography, in press: 1-11.

106) DeJong, H.B., R.B. Dunbar, D.A. Koweek, D.A. Mucciarone, S.K., Bercovici, D.A. Hansell. 2017. Net community production and carbon export during the late summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (GB005417): 1-19.

105) Jennings, M.K., U. Passow, A.S. Wozniak, D.A. Hansell. 2017. Distribution of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) across an organic carbon gradient in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 190: 1-12.

104) Bochdansky, A.B., M.A. Clouse, D.A. Hansell. 2017. Mesoscale and high-frequency variability of macroscopic particles (> 100 μm) in the Ross Sea and its relevance for late-season particle carbon export. Journal of Marine Systems, 166: 120-131.

103) Li, Q.P., D.A. Hansell. 2016. Mechanisms controlling vertical variability of subsurface chlorophyll maxima in a mode-water eddy. Journal of Marine Research, 74: 175-199.

102) Romera-Castillo, C., R.T. Letscher, D.A. Hansell. 2016. New nutrients exert fundamental control on dissolved organic carbon accumulation in the surface Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(38): 10497-10502.

101) Fontela, M., M.I. Garcia-Ibanez, D.A. Hansell, H. Mercier, F.F. Perez. 2016. Dissolved organic carbon in the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Scientific Reports, 6(26931): 1-9.

100) Medeiros, P.M., M. Seidel, J. Niggemann, R.G.M. Spencer, P.J. Hernes, P.L. Yager, W.L. Miller, T. Dittmar, D.A. Hansell. 2016. A novel molecular approach for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter into the deep ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 689-699.

99) Margolin, A.R., L.J.A. Gerringa, D.A. Hansell, M.J.A. Rijkenberg. 2016. Net removal of dissolved organic carbon in the anoxic waters of the Black Sea. Marine Chemistry, 183: 13-24.

98) Bercovici, S.K., D.A. Hansell. 2016. Dissolved organic carbon in the deep Southern Ocean: Local versus distant controls. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(2): 350-360.

97) Talley, L.D., R.A. Feely, B.M. Sloyan, R. Wanninkhof, M.O. Baringer, J.L. Bullister, C.A. Carlson, S.C. Doney, R.A. Fine, E. Firing, N. Gruber, D.A. Hansell, M. Ishii, G.C. Johnson, K. Katsumata, R.M. Key, M. Kramp, C. Langdon, A.M. Macdonald, J.T. Mathis, E.L. McDonagh, S. Mecking, F.J. Millero, C.W. Mordy, T. Nakano, C.L. Sabine, W.M. Smethie, J.H. Swift, T. Tanhua, A.M. Thurnherr, M.J. Warner, J.-Z. Zhang. 2015. Changes in ocean heat, carbon content, and ventilation: A review of the first decade of GO-SHIP Global Repeat Hydrography. Annual Reviews of Marine Science, 8: 185-215. Note: I am pleased to provide you complimentary one-time access to my Annual Reviews article as a PDF file, for your own personal use. Any further/multiple distribution, publication, or commercial usage of this copyrighted material requires submission of a permission request addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center (http://www.copyright.com).

96) Letscher, R.T., A.N. Knapp, A.K. James, C.A. Carlson, R. Foster, K.A. Turk-Kubo, A.E. Santoro, D.A. Hansell. 2015. Microbial community composition and nitrogen availability control DOC remineralization in the South Pacific Gyre. Marine Chemistry, 177: 325-334.

95) Du, J., J. Liu, H. Lu, D. Hansell, Q. Zhang, W. Wang, C. Yan. 2015. Effect of external phosphate addition on solid-phase iron distribution and iron accumulation in Mangrove Kandelia obovata (S. L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(17): 13506-13513.

94) Medeiros, P.M., M. Seidel, L.C. Powers, T. Dittmar, D.A. Hansell, W.L. Miller. 2015. Dissolved organic matter composition and photochemical transformations in the northern North Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 42: 863-870.

93) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson. 2013. Localized refractory dissolved organic carbon sinks in the deep ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27(3): 705-710.

92) Santinelli, C., D.A. Hansell, M. Ribera d'Alcalà. 2013. Influence of stratification on marine DOC dynamics: the Mediterranean Sea case. Progress in Oceanography, 119: 68-77.

91) Mattes, T.E., B.L. Nunn, K.T. Marshall, G. Proskurowski, D.S. Kelley, D.R. Goodlett, D.A. Hansell, R.M. Morris. 2013. Sulfur oxidizers dominate carbon fixation at a biogeochemical hotspot in the dark ocean. International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal, 7: 2349-2360.

90) Lorenzoni, L., G.T. Taylor, C. Benitez-Nelson, D.A. Hansell, E. Montes, R. Masserini, K. Fanning, R. Varela, Y. Astor, L. Guzmán, F.E. Muller-Karger. 2013. Spatial and seasonal variability of dissolved organic matter in the Cariaco Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 118: 951-962.

89) Zamora., L.M., J.M. Prospero, D.A. Hansell, J.M. Trapp. 2013. Atmospheric P deposition to the subtropical North Atlantic: sources, properties, and relationship to N deposition. Journal of Geophysical Reserach: Atmospheres, 18(3): 1546-1562.

88) Letscher, R.T., D.A. Hansell, C. Carlson, R. Lumpkin, A. Knapp. 2013. Dissolved organic nitrogen in the global surface ocean: Distribution and fate. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27(1): 141-153. (Featured in Nature | News & Views, 493: 616-618)

87) Letscher, R.T., D.A. Hansell, D. Kadko, N.R. Bates. 2013. Dissolved organic nitrogen dynamics in the Arctic Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 148: 1-9.

86) Hansell, D.A. 2013. Recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon fractions. Annual Reviews of Marine Science, 5: 421-445. Note: I am pleased to provide you complimentary one-time access to my Annual Reviews article as a PDF file, for your own personal use. Any further/multiple distribution, publication, or commercial usage of this copyrighted material requires submission of a permission request addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center (http://www.copyright.com).

85) Orellana, M., D. A. Hansell. 2012. RuBisCO: A long lived protein in the deep ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 53: 826-834.

84) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson, R. Schlitzer. 2012. Net removal of major marine dissolved organic carbon fractions in the subsurface ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26: GB1016.

83) Williams, R.G., E. McDonagh, V.M. Roussenov, S. Torres-Valdes, B. King, R. Sanders, D.A. Hansell. 2011. Nutrient streams in the North Atlantic pathways of inorganic and dissolved organic nutrients. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25: GB4008.

82) Zamora, L.M., J.M. Prospero, D.A. Hansell. 2011. Organic nitrogen in aerosols and precipitation at Barbados and Miami: Implications regarding sources, transportation and deposition to the western subtropical North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: D20309

81) Letscher, R., D.A. Hansell, D. Kadko. 2010. Rapid removal of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon over the Eurasian shelves of the Arctic Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 123: 78-87.

80) Millero, F.J., F. Huang, R. Woosley, R. Letscher, D.A. Hansell, 2010. Effect of dissolved organic carbon and alkalinity on the density of Arctic Ocean waters. Aquatic Geochemistry, 17(4-5): 311-326.

79) Jiao, N., G.J. Herndl, D.A. Hansell, R. Benner, G. Kattner, S.W. Wilhelm, D.L. Kirchman, M.G. Weinbauer, T. Luo, F. Chen, F. Azam. 2010. Microbial production of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter: long-term carbon storage in the global ocean. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 8: 593-599.

78) Steinberg, D., D.A. Hansell. 2010. Introduction to: "Ecological and biogeochemical interactions in the deep ocean". Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 1429-1432.

77) Nagata, T., C. Tamburini, J. Arístegui, F, Baltar, A. Bochdansky, S. Fonda-Unami, H. Fukuda, A. Gogou, D.A. Hansell, R.L. Hansman, G. Herndl, C. Panagiotopoulos, T. Reinthaler, R. Sohrin, P. Verdugo, N. Yamada, Y. Yamashita, T. Yokokawa, D.H. Bartlett. 2010. Emerging concepts on microbial processes in the bathypelagic ocean – ecology, biogeochemistry and genomics. Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 1519-1536.

76) Burd, A.B., D.A. Hansell, D.K. Steinberg, T.R. Anderson, J. Arístegui, F. Baltar, S.R. Beaupré, K.O. Buesseler, F. Dehairs, G.A. Jackson, D.C. Kadko, R. Koppelmann, R.S. Lampitt, T. Nagata, T. Reinthaler, C. Robinson, B.H. Robison, C. Tamburini, T. Tanaka. 2010. Assessing the apparent imbalance between geochemical and biochemical Indicators of meso- and bathypelagic biological activity: What the @$#! is wrong with present calculations of carbon budgets?. Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 1557-1571.

75) Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell, N.B. Nelson, D.A. Siegel, W.M. Smethie, Jr., S. Khatiwala, M.M. Meyers, E. Wallner. 2010. Dissolved organic carbon export and subsequent remineralization in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic realms of the North Atlantic basin. Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 1433-1445.

74) Zamora, L.M., A. Landolfi, A. Oschlies, D.A. Hansell, H. Dietze, F. Dentener. 2010. Atmospheric deposition of nutrients and excess N formation in the North Atlantic. Biogeosciences, 7: 777-793.

73) Hansell, D.A., C.A.Carlson, D.J. Repeta, R. Schlitzer. 2009. Dissolved organic matter in the ocean: New insights stimulated by a controversy. Oceanography, 22: 52-61.

72) Li, Q.P., D.A. Hansell, D.J. McGillicuddy, N.R. Bates, R. Johnson. 2008. Tracer-based assessment of the origin and biogeochemical transformation of a cyclonic eddy in the Sargasso Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113: C10006.

71) Mathis, J.T., N.R. Bates, D.A. Hansell, T. Babila. 2009. Net community production in the northeast Chukchi Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 56: 1213-1222.

70)  Li, Q. P., D.A. Hansell, J.-Z. Zhang. 2008. Underway monitoring of nanomolar nitrate plus nitrite and phosphate in oligotrophic seawater. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 6: 319-326.

69) Goldberg, S.J., D.A. Hansell, N.B. Nelson, D.A. Siegel, C.A. Carlson. 2009. Temporal dynamics of dissolved combined neutral sugars and the quality of dissolved organic matter in the northwestern Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 56: 672-685.

68) Birdsey, R., N. Bates, M. Behrenfeld, K. Davis, S. Doney, R. Feely, D. Hansell, L. Heath, E. Kasischke, H. Kheshgi, B. Law, C. Lee, A.D. McGuire, P. Raymond, C.J. Tucker. 2009. Carbon cycle observations: Gaps threaten climate mitigation policies. EOS, 90(34): 292-293.

67) Park, G.-H., K. Lee, R. Wanninkhof, D.A. Hansell, J.-Z. Zhang, R.A. Feely. 2008. Large, rapid drawdown of dissolved inorganic carbon in an oligotrophic eddy in the extratropical North Atlantic (46oN): Evidence for N2 fixation in extra-tropical waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 53(5): 1697-1704.

66) Li, Q.P., D.A. Hansell. 2008. Intercomparison and coupling of magnesium-induced co-precipitation and long-path liquid-waveguide capillary cell techniques for trace analysis of phosphate in seawater. Analytical Chemica Acta, 611: 68-72.

65) Li, Q.P., D.A. Hansell. 2008. Nutrient distributions in baroclinic eddies of the oligotrophic North Atlantic and inferred impacts on biology. Deep-Sea Research II, 55:1291-1299.

64) Hansell, D.A., D. Olson, F. Dentener, L. Zamora. 2007. Assessment of excess nitrate development in the subtropical North Atlantic. Marine Chemistry, 106: 562-579.

63) McGillicuddy, D.J, L. Anderson, N. Bates, T. Bibby, K. Buesseler, C. Carlson, C. Davis, P. Falkowski, S. Goldthwaite, D.A. Hansell, W. Jenkins, R. Johnson, V. Kosnyrew, J. Ledwell, Q.P. Li, D. Siegel, D. Steinberg. 2007. Eddy-wind interactions stimulate extraordinary mid-ocean plankton blooms. Science, 316: 1021-1026.

62) Lepore, K., S.B. Moran, J.M. Grebmeier, L.W. Cooper, C. Lalande, W. Maslowski, V. Hill, N.R. Bates, D.A. Hansell, J.T. Mathis, R.P. Kelly. 2007. Seasonal and interannual changes in POC export and deposition in the Chukchi Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C10024.

61)  Mathis, J.T., R.S. Pickart, D.A. Hansell, D. Kadko, N.R. Bates. 2007. Eddy transport of organic carbon and nutrients from the Chukchi Shelf: Impact on the upper halocline of the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112: C05011.

60) Bates, N.R., S.B. Moran, D.A. Hansell, J.T. Mathis. 2006. An increasing CO2 sink in the Arctic Ocean due to sea-ice loss. Geophysical Research Letters, 33: L23609.

59) Ducklow, H.W., D.A. Hansell, J.A. Morgan. 2007. Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in the western Black Sea. Marine Chemistry, 105: 140-150.

58) Mathis, J.T., D.A. Hansell, D. Kadko, N.R. Bates, L.W. Cooper. 2007. Determining net dissolved organic carbon production in the hydrographically complex western Arctic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(5): 1789-1799.

57) Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., J. Arístegui, E.D. Barton, D.A. Hansell. 2007. Contribution of upwelling filaments to offshore carbon export in the subtropical Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(3): 1287-1292.

56) Johnson, M., R. Sanders, V. Avgoustidi, M. Lucas, L. Brown, D. Hansell, M. Moore, S. Gibb, P. Liss, T. Jickells. 2007. Ammonium accumulation during a silicate-limited diatom bloom indicates the potential for ammonia emission events. Marine Chemistry, 106: 63-75.

55) Cooper, L., R. Benner, J. McClelland, B. Peterson, R. Holmes, P.A. Raymond, D.A. Hansell, J.M. Grebmeier, L.A. Codispoti. 2005. Linkages among runoff, dissolved organic carbon, and the stable oxygen isotope composition of seawater and other water mass indicators in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: G02013.

54) Bates, N.R., M.H.P. Best, D.A. Hansell. 2005. Spatio-temporal distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon and net community production in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3303-3323.

53) Li, Q.P., J-Z. Zhang., F.J. Millero, D.A. Hansell. 2005. Continuous colorimetric determination of trace ammonium in seawater with a long-path liquid waveguide capillary cell. Marine Chemistry, 96: 73-85.

52) Walsh, J.J., D.A. Dieterle, W. Maslowski, J.M. Grebmeier, T.E. Whitledge, M. Flint, I.N. Sukhanova, N.R. Bates, G.F. Cota, D. Stockwell, S.B. Moran, D.A. Hansell, C.P. McRoy. 2005. A numerical model of neglected spring primary production in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3541-3576.

51) Moran, S.B., R.P. Kelly, K. Hagstrom, J.N. Smith, J.M. Grebmeier, L.W. Cooper, G.F. Cota, J.J. Walsh, N.R. Bates, D.A. Hansell. 2004. Seasonal changes in the POC export flux in the Chukchi Sea and implications for water column-benthic coupling in Arctic shelves. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3427-3451.

50) Mathis, J.T., D.A. Hansell, N.R. Bates. 2004. Strong hydrographic controls on spatial and seasonal variability of dissolved organic carbon in the Chukchi Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3245-3258.

49) Bates, N.R., D.A. Hansell, S.B. Moran, L.A. Codispoti. 2004. Seasonal and spatial distribution of particulate organic carbon in the Chukchi Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 52: 3324-3343.

48) Hansell, D.A., D. Kadko, N.R. Bates. 2004. Degradation of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon in the Western Arctic Ocean. Science, 304: 858-861.

47) Carlson, C.A., S.J. Giovannoni, D.A. Hansell, S.J. Goldberg, R. Parsons, K. Vergin. 2004. Interactions between DOC, microbial processes, and community structure in the meopalegic zone of the northwestern Sargasso Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4): 1073-1083.

46) Hansell, D.A., H.W. Ducklow, A.M. Macdonald, M.O. Baringer. 2004.Metabolic poise in the North Atlantic Ocean diagnosed from organic matter transports. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4): 1084-1094.

45) Hansell, D.A., N.R. Bates, D.B Olson. 2004. Excess nitrate and nitrogen fixation in the North Atlantic. Marine Chemistry, 284: 243-265.

44) Bates, N.R., D.A. Hansell. 2004. Temporal variability of excess nitrate and nitrogen fixation in the subtropical North Atlantic. Marine Chemistry, 284: 225-241.

43) Gardner, W.D., M.J. Richardson, C.A. Carlson, D.A. Hansell, A. Mishonov. 2003. Determining POC: Bottles, pumps and transmissometers. Deep-Sea Research II, 50: 655-674.

42) Hansell, D.A., H.W. Ducklow. 2003. Bacterioplankton distribution and production in the deep ocean: Directly coupled to POC flux? Limnology and Oceanography, 48(1): 150-156.

41) Arístegui, J., C.M. Duarte, S. Agustí, M. Doval, X.A. Álvarez-Salgado, D.A. Hansell. 2002. Dissolved organic carbon support of respiration in the dark ocean. Science, 298: 1967.

40) Carlson, C.A., S.J. Giovannoni, D.A. Hansell, S.J. Goldberg, R. Parsons, M.P. Otero, K. Vegin, B.R. Wheeler. The effect of nutrient amendments on bacterioplankton growth, DOC utilization, and community structure in the northeastern Sargasso Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 30: 19-36.

39) Siegel, D.A., S. Maritorena, N.B. Nelson, D.A. Hansell, M. Lorenzi-Kayser, 2002. Global ocean distribution and dynamics of colored dissolved and detrital organic materials. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(C12): 3228.

38) Sharp, J.H., K.R. Rinker, K.B. Savidge, J. Abell, J.Y. Benaim, D. Bronk, D.J. Burdigee, G. Cauwet, W. Chen, M.D. Doval, D. Hansell, C. Hopkinsoni, G. Kattner, Nancy Kaumeyer, K.J. McGlathery, J. Merriam, N. Morley, K. Nagel, H. Ogawa, C. Pollard, M. Pujo-Pay, P. Raimbault, R. Sambrotto, S. Seitzinger, G. Spyres, F. Tirendi, T.W. Walsh, C.S. Wong. 2002. A preliminary methods comparison for measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 78: 171-184.

37) Steinberg, D.K., S.A. Goldthwait, D.A. Hansell. 2002. Zooplankton vertical migration and the active transport of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 49: 1445-1461.

36) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson, S. Suzuki. 2002. Dissolved organic carbon export with North Pacific Intermediate Water formation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(1): 1007.

35) Lipschultz, F., N.R. Bates, C.A. Carlson, D.A. Hansell. 2002. New production in the Sargasso Sea: history and current status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(1): 1001.

34) Kirchman, D., B. Meon, H.W. Ducklow, C.A. Carlson, D.A. Hansell, G. Steward. 2001. Glucose fluxes and concentrations of dissolved combined sugars (polysaccharides) in the Ross Sea and Polar Front Zone, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II, 48: 4179-4197.

33) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson. 2001. Marine dissolved organic matter and the carbon cycle. Oceanography, 14(4): 41-49.

32) Daly, K.L., W.O. Smith, Jr., G.C. Johnson, G.R. DiTullio, D.R. Jones, C.W. Mordy, R.A. Feely, D.A. Hansell, J-Z Zhang. 2001. Hydrography, nutrients, and carbon pools in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean: Implications for carbon flux. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C4): 7107-7124.

31) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson. 2001. Biogeochemistry of total organic carbon and nitrogen in the Sargasso Sea: control by convective overturn. Deep-Sea Research II, 48: 1649-1667.

30) Sweeney, C., W.O. Smith, B. Hales, D.A. Hansell, C.A. Carlson, L.A. Codispoti, L.I. Gordon, F.J. Millero, T. Takahashi. 2000. Nutrient and carbon removal ratios and fluxes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 3395-3422.

29) Sweeney, C., D.A Hansell, F.J. Millero, T. Takahashi, L.I. Gordon, C.A. Carlson, L.A. Codispoti, W.O. Smith, J. Marra. 2000. Biogeochemical regimes, net community production and carbon export in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 3369-3394.

28) Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell, E.T. Peltzer, W.O. Smith, Jr. 2000. Stocks and dynamics of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 3201-3226.

27) Hansell, D.A., R.A. Feely. 2000. Atmospheric intertropical convergences impact surface ocean carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(7): 1013-1016.

26) Dunne, J.P., J.W. Murray, M. Rodier, D.A. Hansell. 2000. Export production in the western and central Pacific: zonal and temporal variability. Deep-Sea Research I, 47: 901-936.

25) Doval, M., D.A. Hansell. 2000. Organic carbon and apparent oxygen utilization in the western South Pacific and central Indian Oceans. Marine Chemistry, 68: 249-264.

24) Carlson, C.A., N.R. Bates, H.W. Ducklow, D.A. Hansell. 1999. Estimations of bacterial respiration and growth efficiencies in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 19: 229-244.

23) Bates, N., D.A. Hansell. 1999. Hydrographic and biogeochemical signals in the surface ocean between Chesapeake Bay and Bermuda. Marine Chemistry, 67: 1-16.

22) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson. 1998. Deep ocean gradients in dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Nature, 395: 263-266.

21) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson. 1998. Net community production of dissolved organic carbon. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12(3): 443-453.

20) Hansell, D.A., E.T. Peltzer. 1998. Spatial and temporal variations of total organic carbon in the Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 45: 2171-2193.

19) Smith, W.O., C.A. Carlson, H.W. Ducklow, D.A. Hansell. 1998. Growth dynamics of Phaeocystis antarctica-domainted plankton assemblages from the Ross Sea. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 168: 229-244.

18) Urban-Rich, J., D. A. Hansell, M. Roman. 1998. Analysis of copepod fecal pellet carbon using a high temperature combustion method. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 171: 199-208.

17) Carlson, C.A., H.W. Ducklow, D.A. Hansell, W.O. Smith. 1998. Organic carbon partitioning during spring phytoplankton blooms in the Ross Sea polynya and the Sargasso Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 43(3): 375-386.

16) Bates, N.R., D.A. Hansell, C.A. Carlson, L.I. Gordon. 1998. Distribution of CO2 species, estimates of net community production and air-sea CO2 exchange in the Ross Sea polynya. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C2): 2883-2896.

15) Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson, N. Bates, A. Poisson. 1997. Horizontal and vertical removal of organic carbon in the equatorial Pacific Ocean: a mass balance assessment. Deep-Sea Research II, 44(9-10): 2115-2130.

14) Hansell, D.A., T.Y. Waterhouse. 1997. Controls on the distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I, 44(5): 843-857.

13) Hansell, D.A., N.R. Bates, C.A. Carlson. 1997. Predominantly vertical losses of carbon from the surface layer of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 386: 59-61.

12) Hansell, D.A., N. Bates, K. Gundersen. 1995. Mineralization of dissolved organic carbon in the Sargasso Sea. Marine Chemistry, 51: 201-212.

11) Carlson C.A., D.A. Hansell, R. Parsons, B. Cullen. 1995. Distribution patterns of dissolved organic carbon in the Ross Sea polynya: November-December, 1994. Antarctic Journal of the US, 30: 203-204.

10) Hansell, D.A., J.A. Newton. 1994. Design and evaluation of a "swimmer"-segregating particle interceptor trap. Limnology and Oceanography, 39(6): 1487-1495.

9) Hansell, D.A., P.M. Williams, B.B. Ward. 1993. Measurements of DOC and DON in the Southern California Bight using oxidation by high temperature combustion. Deep-Sea Research I, 40: 219-234.

8) Hansell, D.A. 1993. Results and observations from the measurement of DOC and DON using high temperature catalytic combustion techniques. Marine Chemistry, 41: 195-202.

7) Hansell, D.A., T.E. Whitledge, J.J. Goering. 1993. Patterns of nitrate utilization and new production over the Bering–Chukchi Shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 13(5-6): 601-627.

6) Goldman, J.C., D.A. Hansell, M.R. Dennett. 1992. Chemical characteristics of two large chain-forming oceanic diatoms: impact on water column chemistry. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 88: 257-270.

5) Walsh, J.J., C.P. McRoy, L.K. Coachman, J.J. Goering, J.J. Nihoul, T.E. Whitledge, T.H. Blackburn, P.L. Parker, C.D. Wirick, P.G. Shuert, J.M. Grebmeier, A.M. Springer, R.D. Tripp, D.A. Hansell, S. Djenidi, E. Deleersnijder, K. Henriksen, B.A. Lund, P. Andersen, F.E. Muller-Karger, K. Dean. 1990. Carbon and nitrogen cycling within the Bering/Chukchi Seas: source regions for organic matter effecting AOU demands of the Arctic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 22: 279-361.

4) Hansell, D.A., J.J. Goering. 1990. Pelagic nitrogen flux in the northern Bering Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 10(6): 501-519.

3) Hansell, D.A., J.J. Goering, J.J. Walsh, C.P. McRoy, L.K. Coachman, T.E. Whitledge. 1989. Summer phytoplankton production and transport along the shelf break front in the Bering Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 9(12): 1085-1104.

2) Hansell, D.A., J.J. Goering. 1989. A method for estimating uptake and production rates for urea in seawater using [14C] urea and [15N] urea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 46: 198-202.

1) Hansell, D.A., C.E. Boyd. 1980. Effects of hydrated lime on water quality in fish ponds. Proceedings of the Annual Conference / Southeastern Association of Fisheries and Wildlife Agencies, 34: 49-58.


